Talks and workshops
Anton Illarionov
Sobaka Pavlova
Figma: full cycle of UX-prototyping for teams. Master-class (in Russian)

Paula Mariani
🎞To be Radiant
Workshop: UX Leadership. Unfolding your story.
Design Leadership (in English)

Olga Rzhanova
What to do when you lack researchers and overwhelmed with questions and ideas (in Russian)

Constantine Gavrykov
🎞Changing the future of E-commerce. Designing for people, not conversion (in English)

Valentina Salvi
🎞Accenture Interactive Amsterdam
Service Design for Social Innovation in Uganda (in English)

Ellie Ponomareva
How to prepare and conduct UX research of users with disabilities (in Russian)

Konstantin Valeev
🎞Rostelecom Information Technologies
System Analysis Practices in UX Designer work (in Russian)

Katerina Libikh
🎞Transaction Services Group
Design System for CRM with ‘white label’ logic (in Russian)

Elena Reshedko
UX in HR. How a single UXer made life better for other employees (in Russian)

Pavel Burtsev
Master-class: Analytics for designers
Analytics for designers (in Russian)